Wish List

In Kind Donations Always Welcome
You can support our families in many ways. Anything from small hotel samples to gift cards or monetary donations is greatly appreciated. When you donate, just know you’re making a tremendous impact on the lives of our families. Some of them need a computer to update resumes and fill out job applications and others may need a clean pillow and some body wash. Everyone we help has unique needs and challenges and your donation can be what makes helps them make a breakthrough.
If you would like to help, please browse our Wishlist of one-time and ongoing needs. If you can supply any of these essentials, please contact us to organize a donation. You may also donate an item through our Amazon Wish List linked below.
Current Needs:
- Travel-Sized Toiletries: Mouthwash, hand soap, toothpaste, etc.
- Gift Cards: Walmart, Publix, Target
- Diapers & Pull-Ups: Sizes 4, 5, 6, and 2T & 3T Pull-Ups
- Electronics: Small TVs and laptops
- Laundry Essentials: Detergent, paper towels, toilet paper, rolls of quarters for laundry
- New Toiletries: Deodorant, bath/bar soap, shampoo, and conditioner for all hair types
- Shaving Supplies: Razors and shaving cream
- Non-Perishable Food: Dry food, canned goods
- Women’s Self-Care Products: Brand new items
- Women’s Intimates: Brand new and unused
- Baby Care Products: Lotions, shampoos, body wash
- Bath Linens: Towels and washcloths
- Bedding: new pillows, new pillowcases, new or gently used sheets, and new or gently used comforters
- First Aid Supplies: Band-aids, cough drops, alcohol swabs
- Cleaning Products: Trash bags, disinfectant sprays, wipes
Please note:
We do not accept the following items:
- Used intimate wear (bras, underwear, socks, etc.)
- Used toiletries (toothbrushes, shampoos, body wash, etc.)
- Used cleaning supplies (detergents, bleach, dish soaps, etc.)
- Used pillows and pillowcases
- Opened or expired food items (chip bags, canned foods, cereal boxes, etc.)
- Expired body care products
- Baby powder
- Clothing with stains, holes, or visible wear-and-tear